School Closure - Home Learning
Your child’s learning is very important to us and we will continue to provide opportunities for your child to learn whist the school is closed.
You will appreciate that we are not able to provide a full curriculum, or the same level of differentiation that we would in school. However, my team of staff are committed to providing a range of activities and resources which will allow children to continue learning. This can be augmented, at parents’ discretion, with the range of additional activities already posted on our website.
Your child will today bring home a new exercise book, which they can decorate. This will be a space to record any written work they complete. This work can be shared upon their return but will not be formally marked.
We will set activities, initially, a week at a time. The first set will come home today with their new exercise book.
Our expectation for the week commencing 23 March is as follows:
• 5 age-appropriate maths activities
• 5 age-appropriate writing activities/opportunities
• Daily reading (additional books will be sent home and we are working on plans to allow ‘open-air’ access to exchange books – more details to follow).
• Daily online spelling practice via Spelling Shed.
Pupils not in school today can collect resources over the coming weeks. We will leave clearly labelled resources in the main porch to allow access for collection, without increased contact with others.
We plan to post further activities weekly on the newly updated Home Learning webpage. Please contact us via Parentmail if you struggle with printing or need access to basic stationery.
We will resource the same range of tasks to the limited number of children for whom the school will remain open to, so as not to unfairly advantage or disadvantage either group of children.
Going forward, we will continue to develop our provision for home learning and are exploring options for more extended provision after Easter. We also plan to operate a system with class teachers making individual check-in telephone contact with their class. The Pastoral team will also check-in by phone with certain children. Please do contact us by the usual means if you need further advice or support.
We understand that this time may bring anxiety and uncertainty. Try to establish/maintain routines at home. Get children into a pattern of activities and make it clear what is happening ‘now’ and ‘next’. Make a family plan so the adults at home know what is happening, to give children reassurance.
Thank you again for your continued support. We will continue to update you regularly.