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St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Our Design and technology curriculum contributes to the personal development of our pupils. 



Spiritual development:
-Offering opportunities to marvel at the human achievements which have led to many design and technology advancements. 
-Encouraging pupils to develop a fascination with how things work.
-Inspiring pupils to be creative and imaginative in their design. 
-Emphasising the importance of reflection during the evaluation process of the design cycle.

Moral development:
-Raising ethical issues related to design, such as sustainability of materials, the environmental impact of single-use or non-degradable materials and importing food.

Social development:
-Giving them opportunities to collaborate with a group towards a shared outcome. 
-Enabling them to make decisions as a group, dealing with conflict when it arises and treating each other with respect. 
-Supporting them to give constructive feedback to their peers, considering the feelings of others when doing so 
-Offering them opportunities to ‘pitch’ their products to others. 
-Encouraging pupils to consider the safety of themselves and others as they work.

Cultural development:
-Teaching them how cultural influences impact on design over time. 
-Asking them to consider cultural influences on the food we eat. 
-Demonstrating that difference in design is often seen as a positive, synonymous with innovation.

Bournemouth Septenary Trust