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St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Breakfast Club


We are pleased to offer 'wrap-around care' and can provide before and after school care for your child. We can offer care on a regular and one-off session basis. This provision is provided by our own staff, not by an outside company. This means we are able to scale provision according to need and that children are already familiar with the adults running the sessions. There is a charge for accessing this provision and full details of our Breakfast Club provision can be found below.


Every weekday 7.30 – 8.30am

Full session including breakfast (cereals/toast/squash) - £4.50


All bookings should be made through WisePay

Email Di Tubb for enquiries and ad hoc bookings.



Please do NOT drop off children without prior booking.

Places limited – first come first served – bookings for full session take priority.

Bring your own named toothbrush in named holder and named toothpaste please.


Email as soon as possible if your child is not able to attend a booked session – cancellations will not be refunded.


CHILDCARE VOUCHERS are accepted (confirmation of the childcare voucher payment should be submitted with the dates paid for to

Please click on the month you require to download a booking form.   If your child is attending the club for the first time please complete a registration form, at least ONE WEEK prior to their first booking.

To book online please click on the wisepay link.  


Bournemouth Septenary Trust