Our History curriculum ensures that learning is meaningful and relevant by focusing on units that excite the children, and where possible relate to our locality and its rich heritage. Our units are designed to celebrate significant periods in Bournemouth’s history, such as the development of Bournemouth as a seaside town, and the history of Talbot Village. Within our school vision, we value ‘serving others’ at the heart of all we do, which stems from the unique history of the Talbot sisters.
Through History, we aim to stimulate every child’s interests and understanding about the lives of people who lived in the past, both in Britain and in the wider world. We teach children a sense of chronology in order for them to develop a sense of their historical heritage and a cultural understanding of the world in which we live. Children have the opportunity to make connections between periods of time and events studied. Pupils will study significant people both in recent history and beyond living memory, and explore how their lives have impacted our world today. Children will build up a range of key skills and vocabulary, which will enable them to interact with history in a way in which aspires children and instils curiosity.
At St Mark’s C.E. Primary, both history skills and historical knowledge are embedded within all history lessons, and developed throughout history curriculum across the school years. Teachers plan engaging, stimulating and informative lessons, which draw upon previous learning and makes reference to cross-curricular links. Teachers assess pupils’ understanding and development and use this to help identify next steps.
Each year group will cover either two large or three small history units, which will link with their geography units where relevant, in order to provide a rich humanities education. Through questioning, discussion and critical thinking, children are able to investigate and interpret the past alongside their peers, and interact with a range of inspiring and thought-provoking resources. Children will also be given experiences through educational visits and guest speakers to bring their history learning to life.
Through an engaging and exciting History curriculum, all children at St Mark’s C.E. Primary will make progress and develop their skills and knowledge. By the end of their primary education, pupils will be able to:
-Have a chronological understanding of British history from the Stone Age to the present day.
-Be able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives.
- Represent events and changes over time on timelines.
-Be knowledgeable about world history, such as the ancient civilisations of Greece and the Mayans.
-Have an appreciation of the rich heritage of our local area.
-Use a range of vocabulary to communicate historically with their peers.
Teachers use a range of strategies to evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that our children have gained in each unit. Children are assessed in a variety of ways, allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge and overcome barriers to learning, such as difficulties with reading and writing. Through our history curriculum, children will feel inspired to continue exploring events and people of the past, as they will be able to acknowledge the importance and value of learning about and from the past. Subject leaders will also carry out a regular review of their subject, including action plans and CPD where necessary.