I have a question, need some advice or am worried about something - who do I need to contact?
If it is an administrative query (Wisepay, lunches, trips, clubs) usually the first port of call will be office the office team. You can email parentmail@st-marks.bournemouth.sch.uk.
If your child is being picked up by someone different, please fill in a green form in the office. All mail can be posted in the post box in the office; it is checked after morning registration. Teachers will be notified during the day.
If you have a concern or query about your child, it is best to speak to the class teacher. Teachers are usually (depending on meetings and clubs) available for a quick chat at the gate at the end of every day. If you need to get a message to a teacher in the morning, please do this via the office, as teachers are always in class ready to lead learning at 8:30am.
If your concern is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you should make an appointment to see the Phase Leader. This is Miss Neal (Reception, Year 1 & Y2), Mr Hall (Year 3/4/5/6).
If your concern requires further support, you should speak to Miss Roberts (Deputy Headteacher). If you have still not received the outcome you feel is necessary, you may need to make an appointment with Mr Bright (Headteacher). Details of our complaints procedure can be found here.
You may want to speak to Mrs Biles or Mrs Nickols if your query falls into their role as Parent Support Workers.
If you have a query regarding Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), you will need to speak to Mrs Saunders, the Inclusion Coordinator.