How will you support my child at school?
We work hard to ensure that our children receive the support that is specific to their individual needs and that any barriers to learning are identified early in order to offer the correct support. In the first instance this will be provided by the class teacher through ‘Quality First Teaching’ and differentiation of lessons to enable your child to access the curriculum. Specially trained teaching assistants can implement the teachers modified / adapted planning to support the needs of your child where necessary. In addition, specific resources and strategies may be used to support your child either individually or in small groups. The InCo regularly monitors the progress of children receiving additional support to ensure the provision we have put in place is having the impact we expect. The Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle is used to assess individual children's progress against their individualised targets.
If a child has SEND, we will record the extra support required as a Provision Map. This will keep track of what provision is in place in addition to the Quality First Teaching that all children in the classroom receive. This could be extra intervention groups, support with handwriting, a pastoral check in or a quiet space to re-group and self-regulate, among many other things.
A child may require more individualised support and have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This records agreed targets for development that can be worked on each week during 1:1 and small group sessions. These are all reviewed termly with parents/carers, class teacher, child. If we feel your child needs further support the Inclusion Coordinator will liaise with outside agencies and specialist services.
Finally, if despite the planned support and advice from outside agencies your child does not make the expected progress, we may decide to apply for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.