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St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

How will you support my child with transitions?

We take steps to ensure that any transition for children with SEND is as smooth as possible.

If your child is moving to another school:

  • We will contact the new school’s Inclusion Coordinator/SENCo and ensure that they are made aware of any special arrangements of support that needs to put in place for your child.
  • We will make sure that all records are passed on as soon as possible.
  • If necessary, we will meet with the Inclusion Coordinator/SENCo and other relevant staff or hold a TAC meeting.


When moving classes in the school:

  • At the end of every academic year teachers and teaching assistants meet to pass on information about their current class to the new class teacher.
  • At the end of the summer term each class visits their new teacher, teaching assistant and classroom.
  • Where necessary staff will make further visits with your child and create a book with photos and information which will support your child’s transition.


In Year 6:

  • The class teacher will attend the Primary Transition Day to discuss specific needs of your child with the Year 7 leader.
  • The Inclusion Coordinator will also attend the SENCo’s Transition Day.
  • If necessary, the SENCo from the new school will be asked to come into school to observe the child in a familiar setting.
  • Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child at St. Mark’s.
Bournemouth Septenary Trust