I have a complaint or Safeguarding concern - who do I need to speak to?
The first point of call for most concerns should usually be the class teacher.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress first you should speak to your child’s class teacher.
If your concern is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you should make an appointment to see the Phase Leader. This is Miss Neal (Reception, Year 1 & Y2), Mr Hall (Year 3/4/5/6), or the INCo, Mrs Saunders.
If your concern requires further support, you should speak to Miss Roberts (Deputy Headteacher). If you have still not received the outcome you feel is necessary, you may need to make an appointment with Mr Bright (Headteacher).
Full details of our complaints procedure can be found here.
If your concerns are regarding Safeguarding, please make this known to the office and you will be able to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Bright) or Deptuy DSLs (Miss Roberts and Mrs Saunders).