School and Parent Association
We have some exciting events coming up!
St Mark's School and Parent Association (S&PA)
What do we do? We are a registered charity and our aim is to raise money for the school and its children by holding events throughout the school year. The main events are the Christmas and Summer Fayres, children’s discos, a sponsored event and mufti days.
Who are we? A team of volunteers run the S&PA, this is not limited to parents and carers, we welcome step-parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles! We have a lot of help from Mr Bright, Mr Coombes, the office staff and the teachers.
What do we raise? On average £10,000 a year, which is donated to the school at the Annual General Meeting in October. The AGM is open to all, not just those who attend meetings throughout the year!
What does the money go towards? Past funds raised have paid for the very smart school minibus, all the lockers around the school, the refurbished library and the Garden of Peace. We are currently raising money for the school swimming pool. If you have any suggestions for next year's money, please let us know!
How do I join? All parents of the school are automatic members of the S&PA, but we always need more helpers; we are very short on these, so please don't assume everyone else has it covered! If you want to be on the mailing list so that you are able to see what jobs need doing, please just give us an email on the address below.
When do we meet? Approximately once a month usually on a Monday evening via zoom to chat and organise forthcoming events (see calendar - S&PA events are tagged in purple). Meetings are very informal and don’t take longer than an hour.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, we hope your children thoroughly enjoy being part of St Mark’s School.
Facebook page: St Marks SPA
The S&PA have supported numerous projects and purchases, including: