Welcome to our Governance section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
'St Mark's Church of England Aided Primary School' became an academy on 1/12/15, known as 'St Mark's Church of England Primary School'.
As a new institution from 1/12/15, records regarding the Governance of St Mark's Church of England Primary School are presented from that date.
Members, and Governing body committee structure 2024/25:
The Governors of St Mark's CE Primary School are appointed by the Members, who are:
Mrs Anita Hazell (Representing Bringing Schools Together Trust)
Sir Christopher Lees (Representing The Talbot Village Trust)
Mrs Sharon Matthews (Representing Salisbury Diocese)
The full governing body meets at least three times a year. Each governor also sits on one or more sub-committees which carry out specific, delegated functions. Those sub-committees are:
Admissions Committee (Chair: Rev. Ruth Wells)
Curriculum and Standards Committee (Chair: Rev. Ruth Wells)
Resources Committee (Chair: Mr Peter Whittle)
Ethos Committee (Chair: Rev. Nick Wells)
The chairs of those committees also form the Standing Committee (Chair: Mrs Lisa McGaw).
Safeguarding Link Governor is Mr Mike Evans.
Equality Link Governor is Rev. Ruth Wells.
The appointed Governors:
Name | Governance Role | Date of appointment | Term of office | Date stepped down | Appointed by |
Mrs Lisa McGaw | Chair of Governors | 12/7/18, reappointed 21/03/21 | 4 years | n/a | The Members |
Mrs Vanessa Biles | Staff | 27/2/20 | 4 years | n/a | Elected by staff |
Mr Andrew Bright | Headteacher | 1/9/21 | n/a | n/a | The Governors |
Mr Simon Casey | Parent | 14/7/22 | 4 years | n/a | Elected by parents |
Mr Mike Evans | Parent | 2/12/20 | 4 years | n/a | Elected by parents |
Mr Peter Whittle | Foundation | 5/12/19 | 4 years | n/a | The Members |
Rev Ruth Wells | Vice Chair Foundation | 22/10/20 | 4 years | n/a | The Members |
Rev Nick Wells | Ex-Officio Foundation | 28/9/23 | n/a | n/a | The Diocese |
Mrs Vanessa Biles | Staff | 27/2/20 | 4 years | 26/02/24 | Elected by staff |
Mrs Teresa Grist | Clerk to Governors | Nov 2015 | n/a | n/a | Mr Gary Cox for Talbot Village Trust |
Mrs Rachael Davies | Parent Governor |
Lisa McGaw - Foundation Governor [Chair of Governors]
In July 2018 I was appointed as a Parent Governor at St. Mark's and from March 2021, I was elected as the Chair of Governors as a Foundation Governor. I continue to have a child attending St Mark's and my eldest now attends a local secondary school. I have worked locally as a primary school teacher for 18 years, as a SENCO for a number of years and now as an Advisory Teacher for the Virtual School. My professional career and personal passion is for schools to support the learning needs of all children and ensure that the curriculum promotes the development of the 'whole' child. I look forward to drawing upon both my experience within education alongside that of being a parent to ensure that St Mark's continues to offer the very best education to our community.
Andrew Bright BA Ed QTS, MA Ed, NPQH - Ex-Officio Governor (as Headteacher)
I trained in Winchester via a 4 year route into Primary Education. The majority of my teaching experience has been in upper KS2 but I have taught across the primary age range, including Early Years. I hold an MA in Professional Educational Enquiry, as well as the National Professional Qualification for Headship. I have two children at local primary and secondary schools. I enjoy running, cooking, DIY and spending time with my wife and family.
I feel it important to maintain contact with the classroom and continue to teach and run intervention groups.
Peter Whittle - Foundation/Parent Governor
I have been a foundation parent governor since 2010 and currently serve on the Resources committee.
Having spent all my career in the tax & accountancy profession my current role is as tax manager in the Poole office of a large independent firm. I am pleased to be able to bring the skills and knowledge gained over many years to help St Mark's to maintain its position as a wonderful school for the local community.
Mike Evans - Parent Governor
I have two children attending St Marks and I have been a Parent Governor since 2020.
My professional life steams from the construction industry and I currently work for a local electronic engineering/manufacturing company.
In my spare time, I am heavily involved with the S&PA and enjoy cycling.
Rev. Ruth Wells - Foundation Governor
I am also the senior chaplain for Bournemouth University and the Arts University Bournemouth so working very locally and keen to see the threads of local community drawing together. I have three children, the oldest two attend Church of England schools local to where I live and I have been a foundation governor previously. I am really excited to get to know the community at St Mark’s school and count it a privilege to be a little part of the story.
Simon Casey - Parent Governor
I have a son who is attending St Mark’s Primary as well as a daughter who attended, leaving last year for secondary school.
I work as a consulting architect in the field of IT and financial services. I’ve joined the governing committee as a parent governor looking to help champion both STEM and SENCO, wishing to see both excel at St Mark’s
Rev Nick Wells
Nick was appointed as the new Vicar at St Mark's Church in September 2023. He joins the Governing Body as an ex-officio member.
In September 2023 I started as Vicar of St Mark's Talbot Village; before that I served as Curate at Wimborne Minster. Previously, I was a professional Youth and Community worker, working mainly with Bournemouth Youth Service and Bournemouth YMCA.
I studied for a BA in Applied Theology at Moorlands College, graduating in 2003 and a MA in Theology, Mission and Ministry at Sarum College, Salisbury graduating in 2020. I enjoy, running, reading, playing guitar and spending time with my wife and three children. I look forward to building strong links between the Church and School, and supporting the staff and children as we seek to ensure that St Marks school is a community where children are enabled to thrive and flourish.
Rachel Davies
I was elected as Parent Governor in July 2024 and look forward to bringing my knowledge to the board.
I have worked in local primary schools in administration for a number of years and feel this will tie in quite nicely with the governor role having experienced working behind the scenes. I have a child attending St Mark’s and therefore also have a personal passion to help the school succeed.
I am excited to join the school community as a governor and help push the school forward.
The register of declared business and pecuniary interests:
Name | Business & Pecuniary interests | Governance roles in other educational institutions | Material interests |
Mr Andrew Bright | Family member works for IT company ITEC. | None | Staff member |
Mr Mike Evans | Chair and temporary treasurer of S&PA | none | none |
Mrs Anita Hazell (Member) | None | Member and Director of the Bournemouth Septenary Trust | None |
Sir Christopher Lees (Member) | Chair of the Talbot Village Trust | None | None |
Mrs Sharon Matthews (Member) | None | None | None |
Mrs Lisa McGaw | S&PA Member | None | Parent |
Mr Peter Whittle | None | None | Wife works in school |
Rev. Ruth Wells | None | None | None |
Simon Casey | None | None | None |
Rev. Nick Wells | Vicar of St Mark's Church | Governor at Talbot Heath | None |
Mrs Teresa Grist | None | Clerk to Governors at Bishop Aldhelm’s school and St Walburga's Catholic Primary School. | None |
Please see below for register of meeting attendance during 2022/23: