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St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Sports & the Sports Premium

Sport Premium Spending at St Mark’s C.E. Primary School

In April 2013, the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport announced new funding to support the delivery of PE and school sport. Funding is allocated to all state-maintained secondary, primary, middle and special schools (including non-maintained special schools) and academies. 


At St. Mark’s we have always been passionate about sport and keeping children engaged in a healthy and active lifestyle and Physical Education plays an important part of our curriculum.



One of the main objectives of investing this money in to primary sport and PE is to make it sustainable in schools and give us the opportunity to continue supporting children to meet good levels of fitness and increase their enjoyment and participation of sports. 


By investing in coaches to work alongside teachers it allows staff to increase their skill-sets and their CPD and become better educators of physical activity. This means PE lessons are better focused and staff have the confidence and skills to start extra-curricular activities.


We will continue to support children with their swimming in order to meet the required targets of those able to swim a specific distance by the time they finish Year 6. Investing in better equipment and participation of sport allows us to capture a wider audience and to give children who don’t get to participate in sport outside of school an opportunity to experience new activities. 


Working alongside Bournemouth University means we can build up partnerships with local organisations and explore the benefits of a mutually beneficial relationship and use the expertise and facilities of our local neighbours.

Bournemouth Septenary Trust