Contact Us
St Mark's Church of England Primary School
Talbot Village
BH10 4JA
Headteacher: Mr A Bright BA Ed QTS, MA Ed, NPQH.
Chair of Governors: Mrs L McGaw, who can be contacted via the school.
Our friendly, dedicated office team are on hand to help you with any general enquiries between 8:15am and 3:30pm. Outside of this time you can leave a voicemail or email the office.
If you contact the office you might speak to Miss Egan, Mrs Norman, Mrs Paull or Mr Cooke.
Miss Egan will be able to assist with any queries regarding admissions.
Any queries regarding school business should be directed to Mr Cooke.
If you have any queries or concerns, or a safeguarding issue, please see our procedures on the 'useful information (Q&A)' page under the Parents tab.
Telephone: 01202 512241
Fax: 01202 532584 (absence reporting) (pupil-related matters) (general public enquiries)
Our Inclusion Co-Ordinator, Mrs A Saunders, can be contacted in the first instance via the school office number above. Or via the office email address.
Request for Paper Copies
All documents, on our website, can be downloaded. If you would like to request any of our documents, please contact the School Office, who will ensure that you receive a paper copy free of charge.
There are marked disabled parking bays in front of the school and in the car park.
The car park is private property of the Talbot Village Trust and is not operated by the school. Visitors may park in the main car park for the duration of their visit. Please sign in at the main office and collect a PARKING PERMIT as the Talbot Village Trust employ a parking company to manage the car park. Cars not displaying a valid permit will incur a parking charge notice of £100.