Curriculum Impact
Curriculum Impact:
Each curriculum subject has a ‘Subject Leader’ who has an overview of planning for that area of learning across the school. Each Subject Leader has considered how skills, knowledge and vocabulary connect and build over time in their subject so we have a coherent and cohesive curriculum. Children need lots of repetition in order to cement knowledge and skills into their long-term memory.
The School Development Plan drives areas for development of the curriculum to ensure it remains ‘fit for purpose’ and continues to meet the needs of the pupils at St Mark’s C.E. Primary School. We use INSIGHT, a pupil progress tracking system to ensure that children can build on previous learning and are making good progress. All subject leaders, as well as the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body, are involved with monitoring the curriculum. Learning is reviewed and monitored through a range of approaches: learning walks, book looks, planning scrutiny, pupil voice and pupil progress reviews.
As a result of our meticulously planned and carefully sequenced curriculum, we would expect the impact to be that:
- Our children demonstrate a passion and enthusiasm for learning
- Our children will become equipped with the knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary to empower them as citizens in the 21st Century
- Our children have a rich and varied vocabulary
- Our children have access to a wide and varied curriculum, enabling each of them to excel academically and make good or better than expected progress, with outcomes better than National averages
- Our children are resilient learners who can tackle challenging tasks with perseverance and a growth mindset
Our bespoke curriculum is continually evolving to meet the needs of our learners and to develop a life-long love of learning which promotes positive learning behaviours and helps our children to grow as confident, well-balanced and successful individuals.