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St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

St Mark's C.E Primary School home page

St Mark's C.E. Primary School

Loving God - Serving others - Flourishing together

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Hot School Meals

At St Mark's Church of England Primary School we run a rolling three week menu with three options each day, including Vegetarian and Dairy-Free options.  All our meals our cooked in the school kitchen by our kitchen team.


All children in Reception, Years 1 & 2 are entitled to a free hot school meals, as are those children who are entitled to Free School Meals.  This must be booked in advance using WisePay.  For Years 3 and above meals can be purchased in advance using WisePay for the cost of £2.60 per meal.

Please book hot school meals on Wisepay by midnight on Tuesdays for the following week. 


If you do not wish to order a hot school meal for your child, please ensure they come into school with a packed lunch.  If you have not ordered a hot school meal for your child or provided a lunchbox then we will provide a meal for your child at the cost of £2.60. Should this occur more than once in the term an admin fee of £5 may also be applicable.


Please click here to login to Wisepay for our weekly menu options.


Every care has been taken to identify allergens in our menu from the 14 key groups as identified by the Food Standards Agency:

If you have any queries, please contact us.


Packed lunches.


It is important that packed lunches provide children with healthy and nutritious food that encourage good eating habits and can influence health and well-being in later life.  These can include:


  • Starchy food (e.g. bread, paste, potato, rice)
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Milk and dairy
  • Meat and fish
  • Health drinks (e.g. water, unsweetened fresh fruit juice, milk, fruit/dairy smoothies)


Please support the school by not bringing in food high in fat or sugars.  This includes (but is not restricted to) sweets, chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, popcorn, energy drinks, fast food.


Please note that the school is a NUT FREE SCHOOL, please ensure no products containing NUTS or SESAME SEEDS are brought into school.


For further information about food allergens, please visit

Free School Meals Application Form 2022 - 2023

You can also apply online by visiting the BCP council website via the link below:

Bournemouth Septenary Trust